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Public Transport Service Level for a Sustainable Future: Mobility and Quality of Life in Cities


It is of great importance to develop public transportation services in order to ensure the sustainability of cities and to act without harming the environment and negatively affecting the economy. So, what is the public transport service level and why is it important?

The public transport service level is a concept that evaluates the quality and efficiency of the public transport network in a city. This level is determined based on factors such as diversity, prevalence, reliability, accessibility, comfort, and frequency of public transport services. In other words, it is the main factor that determines the level of public transport service, how many people can use these services and how effectively.

The public transport service level is a measure of the quality and user experience of the public transport system offered in a city or region. This level of service is usually expressed using letter notation and is determined based on different criteria. Example letter categories are provided below to describe the public transport service levels typically used.

A Level (Excellent):

Vehicle frequency is high, waiting is almost never necessary.

The intensity of the past hour offers a comfortable trip.

The extensive route network ensures fast and efficient transportation.

Travel time is minimal.

There are arrangements to provide convenience for disabled and elderly individuals.

B Level (Good):

Vehicle frequency is reasonable, although there are usually minor delays.

Vehicles can be used easily most of the time and the density is at an acceptable level.

An extensive route network provides access to key points.

Journey time is generally reasonable.

There are some regulations in place to reduce barriers.

C Level (Intermediate):

Vehicle frequency may be irregular and it may be necessary to wait at some stops.

The intensity can be disturbing at some hours.

An extensive route network is available, but some areas may be more difficult to access.

Journey time is reasonable, but may be delayed by traffic or other factors.

Some steps can be taken to reduce barriers, but improvement is needed.

D Level (Weak):

Vehicle frequency is low and the wait can be long.

Intensity can be irritating and irritating.

The extensive route network is incomplete and some areas lack transport.

Travel time is long and delayed.

Important steps must be taken to reduce barriers.

F Level (Bad):

Service level is very low or nonexistent.

Vehicles run erratically and infrequently.

The density is unacceptable.

The route network is very limited or nonexistent.

Travel time is quite long and inefficient.

Immediate measures are required to remove obstacles.

Different public transport systems may use different criteria and criteria. Therefore, each city or region has its own public transit service level assessments. These assessments provide an important roadmap for improving public transport and enhancing user experience. It is possible to see the following effects when action is taken according to this roadmap.

Congestion Reduction Effect: High-quality public transport services enable more people to choose public transport over individual vehicles. This reduces traffic congestion and shortens journey times. Less traffic congestion helps reduce air pollution, save energy, and prevent stressful traffic situations. (Litman, 2019)

Environmentally Friendly Transportation: Public transportation vehicles are generally more efficient and environmentally friendly in terms of the number of passengers carried per person. When a bus or train is full, there are significantly fewer greenhouse gas emissions than when the same number of people travel in private vehicles. This is an important step in the fight against climate change. (Newman & Kenworthy, 2015)

Accessibility and Transport Opportunities: High-quality public transport services make transport more accessible for disadvantaged groups. Students, the elderly, the disabled, and low-income individuals have the chance to participate in economic and social activities with public transportation. This helps to reduce social inequalities. (The TransitCenter, 2020)

Improving the Quality of Life in the City: Factors such as reducing traffic congestion, improving air quality, and reducing noise pollution increase the quality of life in cities. A cleaner and more livable environment has positive effects on the health and well-being of city residents. (Puentes & Tomer, 2017)

Reducing Transportation Costs: Public transportation services provide savings if individuals prefer to travel instead of their own vehicles. Avoiding fuel, parking fees, and vehicle maintenance costs can add to their budget. (Millard-Ball & Schipper, 2011)


The public transport service level is a critical factor for the mobility and sustainability of cities. Better public transport services reduce congestion, reduce environmentally damaging emissions, increase transport opportunities, and improve quality of life. City administrations should not forget that investments and improvements in this area will increase the general welfare of society.

You can also share your thoughts and suggestions about public transportation services in your own city. Supporting public transportation services for a healthy, clean, and sustainable future is our common responsibility.

We wish you healthy days!


Litman, T. A. (2019). Evaluating Public Transportation Health Benefits. Victoria Transport Policy Institute.

Millard-Ball, A., & Schipper, L. (2011). Are We Reaching Peak Travel? Trends in Passenger Transport in Eight Industrialized Countries. Transport Reviews, 31(3), 357-378.

Newman, P., & Kenworthy, J.


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